Working Files:
Comcast Updated Plant Map March, 2015
Committee's Final Recommended agreements(to be submitted to Comcast - Summer 2011):
Buckland (Word) or (Adobe PDF)
Shelburne (Word) or (Adobe PDF)
Buckland Draft Submitted to Comcast Feb. 10, 2010
Comcast's 12-14-2009 Response with changes tracked (PDF)
Response to Comcast’s proposal with Committee comments (PDF - 535kb)
Comcast’s Response to Buckland showing tracked changes (PDF - 535kb)
1. Annotation with Andrea.doc Rob and Andrea’s notes and comments (20kb)
2. ARTICLE 1 Larry.doc (67kb)
15. ARTICLE 15 Larry (33 kb)
16. Comcast DRAFT Buckland.doc Comcast’s latest proposal for Buckland (353 kb))
17. Comcast DRAFT Shelburne.doc Comcast’s latest proposal for Shelburne (384 kb)
19. MediaOne Buckland 1998.pdf Adobe version of Buckland’s 1998 License (1.9 MB))
20. MediaOne Shelburne 1998.doc This should be the same as #5 (402 kb)
21. MediaOne Shelburne_attchmts.pdf Adobe version of Shelburne’s exhibit pages(1.3 MB)
Google Fiber Project Governmental Questions: